If people realize this, they learn from Arba’een how to make a parliament in which they pass laws that do not benefit the riches, but benefit the humanity. Laws that …
On the other hand the word ‘al-Kowsar’, is mistranslated. It doesn’t mean many blessings but it means unbounded and unlimited blessings. [God says] I gave you infinitive blessings.
They want you to be like this They say: “The United Nations has established some standards and you should adapt yourself to them.” Let me tell you the statistics of …
“And it came to pass at eventide, that David arose from off his bed, and walked upon the roof of the king’s house: and from the roof he saw a …
The tragedy of Waco Eventually, on April 19th, 1993, the second attack took place and this siege ended with the burning of the Davidians’ camp and killing of 76 people …
The 6th international conference on “Jerusalem/ Al-Quds, the eternal capital of Palestine” May 12-16 ~ Mash’had, Iran This conference was held with the presence of some Professors, Experts, Philosophers, Film …
Into the Light Mrs. Kirsteen (Zeinab) James from Australia How she converted to Islam. Educated in philosophy and modern language, Oxford University Modern European literature Oxford University College of Law, …
Hijab, far from the body image dissatisfaction Hijab and Islamic societies: far from the body image dissatisfaction and eating disorders of Westernised society Body image is defined as “one’s satisfaction …
Who is an awaiting person؟ – part 3 Look at his marriage, he fell in love with a girl, he referred to the Holy Quran to consult it (in order …
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