Messianism in Judaism 4 part 1 part 2 part 3 Fourthly, scholars of the bible reason and argue that the 72th chapter of Psalms are dialogues of Solomon (PBUH), not …
Messianism in Judaism 3 part 1 part 2 In the last part, we took a look at Zabur of David (PBUH) on the subject of the return of Mahdi (PBUH) …
Messianism in Judaism 2 part 1 In the last part we briefly examined Judaism and some of its sects and their beliefs about Messianism. Since the promise of a savior …
Messianism in Judaism – part 1 Judaism is a monotheist religion and the concept of revelationsis accepted in this religion. The prophet of Judaism is Prophet Moses (PBUH) and its …
Question: Is Shia’s mourning for Imams, a manifestation of blasphemy? Answer: Wahhabis view any kind of mournful ceremony and dirge for the Friends of Allah and even the household of …
Christianity in Latin America, from the beginning until now-Part 2 (final part) part 1 The status of Latin American churches until the nineteenth century Since the famous papal bull “Inter …
Christianity in Latin America, from the beginning until now-Part 1 Latin America is a land which geographically includes Central America, South America and the Caribbean. Christopher Columbus was the first …