Questions & Answers
if you have any Question about articles or generally about Islam and its issues, just leave comment
you will get your answer very soon
The page of Answers:
if you have any Question about articles or generally about Islam and its issues, just leave comment
you will get your answer very soon
The page of Answers:
I am muslim and I leave in Tehran, A Christian man Matchmaking me, and I want to tell him about islam . and I need some data about the process of that person comes to islam.
Thanks for your help
Do you mean Shahada (Testimony) in Islam?
or more information?
send all of your questions, we will answer InshaAllah
How to find inner Peace??
Salam Alaykom
your answer is in the following address:
Allah bless you
If i come to iran how can i have a meeting with the leader of iran?
Is it possible?
I will check for you and inform you soon
please tell me where are you from and how old are you
Hello dear
try to contact you even your site in your country is not working at all. what is going on sir. almost a year trying to contact this man called Raaefi but no chance. is that he busy to cant see a few tiny comment? is that fair? Dont think so sir. if he cant give it to other to control the page. this is not the way to run the site. all clip has no subtitle and we cant show it no one but whom who already knows all this things. I sent comment and mentioned i have info that im not giving to no one but him but there was no answer. unbelievable
I read your comment but I don’t know which way you used to contact him ,I should mention he doesn’t have any personal account or email
first because he is so busy, then because of some security points.
however he has an email that someone else check it and let him know important people’s messages.
you can also send your message by that email: ostad@masaf.ir
it lasts from 1 to 6 days to take your answer
why are iran and israel enemies?
I can’t find any English about it
it is a good question
your answer will be here very soon
. سلام وقتتون بخیر. یک نفر مسیحی سوالاتی درباره اسلام پرسید و بنده بهشون جواب دادم و چند سوالشون پیرامون کتاب مقدس خودشون بود.
بنده وجود اسم پیامبر در کتاب مقدس رو هم کلیپش رو نشونشون دادم اما در جواب یک مقاله ای به من دادند که رد این ادعا رو میکرد که توسط خاخام های یهودی و مسیحی نوشته شده بود. ایشون مودبانه درخواست کردند که این مقاله رو بخونم و جواب بدهم اگر جوابی دارم. اگر میشه جواب رو به انگلیسی برای بنده بفرستید تا به خودشون مستقیم بفرستم
با سلام
وقت شما هم بخیر
لینک زیر رو برای ایشون بفرستید
پاسخ به مقاله ای هست که فرمودید
با تشکر
Salaam , Please create a Q&A icon to Receive Questions and Email for Answering in Site header
and create a Q&A forum for finding the Question’s Subject in there.
Thanks. <3
سلام و خسته نباشید. اگه میشه یه مقاله درباره برده داری توی اسلام به انگلبسی قرار بدید.ممنون
سلام و عرض ادب
ان شاءالله بزودی در سایت قرار خواهد گرفت
با تشکر
Salaam Alaykum
yes, it should be the complete form
but there are some reasons that we don’t use it
one of them is the length of the parenthesis (pbuhahf)!
and it would be somehow unmeaning for the non-Muslim readers
we usually point to prophet’s family with a separate (PBUH)
all the way, thanks for your suggestion
Allah be with you
و همچنین درباره سقفیه و لشکر اسامه مطلب موثق میخواستم) از کتب اهل سنت
سلام علیکم من میخواستم اثبات هجوم به خانه حضرت زهرا در منابع موثق اهل سنت(انگلیسی باشه) رو در سایت نشونم بدید…همچنین اثبات شهادت این حضرت رو بتونم مطلبی رو بهم بگید ممنون میشم
ان شاءالله
سلام اگه ممکنه درباره صدر اسلام و مطلب انگلیسی قرار بدید
سلام و عرض ادب
منظورتون چه زمینه ای هست؟
مثلا درباره پیامبر
جنگ ها
فرهنگ مردم
کشورگشایی و قلمرو
بروشور آماده برای معرفی امام زمان به مسیحیت دارید؟
بله داریم
آی دی تلگرامتون رو بدید تا براتون ارسال کنیم
Someone asked me this question
Why Shia, not accept Hazrat Abu Bakr (Radi Allahu anho) as a first caliphate of Prophet Muhammad (Sal lallaho Alyhiwassalam) and same why Shia, not accept Umar ibn khattab RA as a second and Uthman ibn Afwan RA as a third caliphate of Prophet Muhammad SAW
I would like to know is there any post in this website answering this question ?
And please send me the bruchures you sent to brother Ali in telegram too: @wizpr
Tahnks a lot
Sending you full love
Salaam alaykum
thanks for your question
yes there are some posts about this issue on the website
I put related links here
if still there is any question after reading the posts, we are here to answer
kindest regards
سلام من برای یک مسیحی ایه30 فصل 24 متی رو که درباره امام زمان عج هس فرستادم که: آن گاه علامت پسر انسان در آسمان پدید گردد، و در آن وقت جمیع طوایف زمین سینه زنی کنند و پسر انسان را ببینند که بر ابرهای آسمان با قوّت و جلال عظیم می آید… .
در جوابم گفت:
You are wrong. Jesus says this as reference to the proohecy of Zechariah and Daniel, the Holy jewish prophets (not muslims). Islam did not exist during that time.
نمی دونم کجای این ایه به نبوت زکریا و دانیال مرتبط هست. به نظرتون چی پاسخ بدم؟
could i copy your contents in my own website ???
but without any change
please let me have your website
dear brother
it seems there are many misunderstanding about Shia
could you please tell me which part o the prophet or the Quran is polluted by Shia??
insulting companions?? insulting everyone is Haraam in Shia Islam. if someone do it and claim he or she is Shia, be sure not only he or she is not a Shia Muslim but also he or she is not a Muslim at all
I know there are some deviant cults in Shia Islam, as it is in Sunni Islam
but true Shia never believe in them. respecting people is one of the Shia’s principals
it is also about Wife of the prophet. if we insult the prophet’s wife it means we have insulted the prophet himself!
I refugee to God from such a big sin
you can search all of our website, you won’t find any insult to prophet’s wife
I have heard there are some lies about Shia among Sunnis, so we are here to clarify doubts
Allah be with you
Ja’far al-Sadiq is reported to have said in al-Kafi:
“Before appointing Ibrahim as prophet, God Almighty appointed him His servant. Before ennobling him with His friendship, He bestowed on him the rank of messengerhood. Before granting him the rank of Imamate, He made him His sincere and devoted friend. It was therefore after Ibrahim had attained a whole series of high ranks that he was given the station of Imamate.”
This hadith shows that Ibrahim was a servant, then he became the friend, then the messenger, then finally the imam.
Who was the imam when Ibrahim was a servant?
Who was the imam when he was a Prophet?
Who was the imam till up to when he finally became an imam?
Salam Alaykum
to answer this question first we need to know the definition of Imamate and its differences with prophet hood:
a prophet is a messenger who is sent by God to guide his people
but Imam is a person who is determined by God to guide all people of the world in his time
for example Bani Israel had several prophets at the same time but each one was the leader of his nation
while when there is an Imam, there is no other Imams in the world because Imam is the leader of the whole world and should be just one in any time period
considering the Quran mentions Ibrahim (PBUH) as an Imam but not mention as the first Imam, so it is possible to be other Imams before him.
we don’t know who was Imam before him, if there was any
but we sure there was no Imam when he became an Imam
Thanks for your response. But here comes another question:
Al-Qummi under the chapter “Necessity of Imam in Every Age” narrated from Abu Hamza Thumali from Abu Abdullah that he asked him:
“Can the earth remain without an Imam?” He replied: “If the earth is without an Imam for a moment, it will indeed sink into itself.”
Well, according to this narration, the earth can not remain empty from an Imam.
So what is your point by saying “Possible & if there was any & surely there was none, before him :
“ so it is possible to be other Imams before him. “
“if there was any
but we sure there was no Imam when he became an Imam”
“It’s also written in sahih bukhari that abu bakr was considered to be the best after the prophet, peace be upon him, how do you reject this hadith? And to reject a hadith it has to be from one of two things, text or chain.
This is from bukhari
I asked my father (Ali bin Abi Talib), “Who are the best people after Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) ?” He said, “Abu Bakr.” I asked, “Who then?” He said, “Then Umar. ” I was afraid he would say “Uthman, so I said, “Then you?” He said, “I am only an ordinary person.
thanks for your question
it is answered in the link below
Assalamu Alaykum
Why do Shias wear black in Muharram and pray with it while it is not allowed acording to their ahadith?
Imam As Sadiq was asked about pray in the black clothes, he said:
“Don’t pray in it, that is dress of people of fire”
(Source: Al-Shia.com,
They contradict themselves..?
Salam Alaikum
My question is simple really. I was reading the Quran and I know that the Quran says it is perfect and descriptive, you know the rest.
Yet it is non-mobinoon about 2:1.
Salam Alaikum
thanks for your question
your answer is in the link below:
Assalamy Alaykum
is it really true that Imam Ja’far Sadiq PBUH is descendant of Abubakr ?
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh
My name is Lucas, from Netherlands. i am a new muslim and i was a Shia Muslim for a solid year, but now I am converted to Maliki- Sunni islam.
These things made me not able to be Shi’a anymore:
1. I can’t accept Shi’a hadiths because they don’t have isnad
2. I don’t believe the first 3 deserted Islam after the death of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa aalihi wa Sallam)
3. I don’t believe the 12 Imams are Ma’sumeen
if you think I am wrong, please notify me. Allah bless you.
Salam Alaykum
thanks for your question
your answer is in the link below:
i can not open the links of several speeches.It gives me error what should I do?
second I wonder how can Mr.Raefipour find reliable sources about political issues in Iran and sends out lecture about it?
if you please guide me to find more about the aforementioned subject ?
سلام خسته نباشید
چند روز پیش در توتیوب به مساله ای برخوردم که فکر میکنم نیازه استاد حتما بهش ورود کنه…یک فردی به نام سپهر آقاحسینی ادعا میکنه میتونه درکمتر از شصت ثانیه باورهای ادما رو تغییر بده و کاری کنه اونا همیشه سالم و ثروتمند باشند… چند نکته عجیب تو کار وجود داره اما جالب ترینش آرم این مجموعه هست که یک چشم در اون وجود داره
من خیلی سعی کردم از طریق ایمیل و سایت فارسی باهاتون تماس بگیرم نشد اگه لطف کنیدو بهشون برسونید ممنون…
مساله مهمیه و نیاز به تعمق داره به سادگی قابل عبور نیست
سلام و عرض ادب
پیغامتون برای ایشون ارسال میشه